Legal Notice


border concepts GmbH
Telephone: 0049 (0)2562.9938 - 0
Fax: 0049 (0)2562.9938 - 10

Postal Address

border concepts GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 40
48599 Gronau

Additional information

Business Executives: Sjaik Djorai, Karel Otte

VATIN: DE 254 600 104
Tax ID: 301/5806/0561

Trade Register
District Court Coesfeld, HRB 10682

Editorial Staff: Valerie Warnecke-Djorai

Web Development: Marco Bespaluk, Philipp Diemon

Grafik: Jana Abbing

Social Media Icons used from 


Any use of our website for commercial or political purposes namely as a whole, including in part or modified form, requires priorly written consent of the border concepts GmbH. In addition, to print, copy or download files is permitted for private use only. Links to third party sites which are located on our website are beyond the control of border concepts, unless otherwise noted.

Despite careful compilation of the website, in terms of accuracy and completeness of the information, border concepts cannot be held liable for any errors.


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